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How to supercharge the value of Virtual Classes: 3 Tips from TMPKS


The way we work and learn has evolved, and more businesses are embracing the convenience of virtual training classes. Is this value capitalized?
TMKPS has developed a comprehensive solution to make sure the training activities and content are not wasted when the online session ends.

What is Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)?

VILT is any synchronous online learning event facilitated by a trainer and delivered by one of the various web meeting systems (a.k.a. “VLS”) widely available across companies and training institutions (e.g. Google Meet, MS Teams, WebEx, Zoom, Big Blue Button, etc.)
Most VILT platforms provide a full range of features designed to help the facilitator to conduct the event in the best way: presenting/sharing materials, providing polls and interactions, steering the communication, managing subgroups and so on.

VILT is widely popular

Adoption of VILTs spiked very rapidly during the Covid19 pandemic where face to face training became almost impossible to hold. Companies are now seeing more and more training events returning to the classrooms. VILT has in the meantime affirmed itself as a valuable and effective training method and will continue to expand in the next coming years: (

The reasons:

  • Cost: Provided that your company has already invested in an integrated communication platform by Microsoft, Google or Cisco, no technological or license investment is needed to get VILT started. Every employee and external trainee is already fully equipped to attend your sessions.
  • Flexibility: Having trainers and trainees connecting from anywhere without travelling is extremely convenient, and it is also a very important way to have more diverse and interconnected communities who can continue interacting after the class ends
  • Device independent: VILT classes can effectively be accessed by any smartphone via simple deeplinks, complying with the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies of most companies worldwide.

How can VILT become even more valuable?

During the last few years at TeamPeaks we have been involved in several global projects aiming to enhance the benefit of VILT for corporate training. These are the main three areas where we created added value:
Tip number 1: Integrate VILT with LMS and the overall training processes

VILT systems are equipped with a full range of API and web services, to seamlessly integrate VILT in the Learning Management System. A well-designed integration allows companies to achieve end to end VILT-LMS processes:

  • Event Scheduling
  • Enrollment management and Notifications
  • Learning and Outlook Calendar integration
  • Attendance tracking
  • Absence tracking

Having the LMS as front end and data hub for VILT creates evident business value

  • Improved learner and trainer experience
  • Compliance with access control
  • Reliable and timely reporting on training and learning hours delivered across the organization
  • Integration with general training processes such as: access to skill development opportunities, training evaluation measurement, dashboards and reporting
Tip number 2: Train the Virtual Trainer

Preparing, delivering and measuring the outcome of a virtual class required skills and how-to that differ from the traditional instructor led training. A knowledgeable and experienced Trainer is not a confident virtual instructor by definition. It is therefore very important to invest in Train the Trainer activities to make sure that VILT sessions can be carried out effectively.

Tip number 3: Leverage the valuable VILT content, possibly with AI

One of the undoubted advantages of VILT is the fact that every session can be recorded to make the content available for absentees and for future learners. At TMPKS we work with our customers to have a sound process to make sure the class can be effectively transformed into a self-paced learning content, adding full SCORM tracking, smart bookmarking and easy topic navigation.

We also use AI powered tools to automatically create captions and translations to have the content more accessible for different user groups. AI can also be used to create a summary of the video content and an abstract to promote the content in LMS libraries.


All in all, VILT is a very flexible and effective training method. To enhance its value, it has to be supported with a comprehensive methodological approach and with a complete integration with LMS and Learning and Development corporate processes.

Get in touch with us to know more!